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Tennis is now FUN and EASY  to learn!   

Professional USTA & PTR coaches follow the USTA Net Generation curriculum progressing from red ball through yellow ball ages 2-17.  

USTA Pre-Rally Parent Child Ages 2-4

This class if full of activities, exercises and fun tennis games that use special equipment to build up physical 'ABCs' (Agility, Balance, Co-ordination), as well as basic technique. Parents are encouraged to participate during each Tots session, as you can play a key part in helping them learn and have fun. This can also help them settle into the group quickly and happily, with a reassuring and familiar face cheering them on!

USTA Red Ball 1 Ages 5-8

This USTA-sanctioned program focuses on the development of agility, coordination, and balance. It’s a whole new ball game for your child. A perfect first experience that’s fun, great exercise, and exciting! The program uses kid-sized equipment; slower-moving and lower-bouncing red balls, shorter and lighter racquets, and smaller courts. This format makes beginner tennis easier and fun, as your child builds a foundation of hand-eye coordination, agility and balance for all sports.

USTA Red Ball 2 Ages 6-8

Designed for kids that can consistently hit a forehand and backhand stroke. This class is formatted around footwork and technique based activities. Kids will continue to work on consistency, develop the unit turn, turn and step into volleys, and introduction of the serve. Rally skills, cooperative drills, point play, and fitness are implemented into the class time.

USTA Orange Ball Ages 9-14

Tennis is a sport to play for a lifetime. Whether your young athlete is brand new to tennis or plays inconsistently, we’re making the game easier to learn so kids have more fun and success on the court! This is a great opportunity to work with a USTA certified coach in a really relaxed, no-pressure atmosphere. Emphasis will be placed on form and control. Players will work on the tennis elements of grace and finesse, volleys, serves, and specialty shots.

Serving DuPage Communities Since 2017

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